the madrigal, volume iv
Dragon Spirit - Alby - show me the way to Archaic style!
by auriane loreley
In the midst of a darkened den,
Black mist lifts due to this ink pen.
Dark mark is left on the white leaf.
Stark was the poem, with some grief:
“Grēat bewte no mann may atteyne
Mine hearte suffreth trough so warme
Archaic style… How good it is!
I smile, every time I hear his
Dear susurrations, in my ear.
The dragon’s narration is clear;
Gone is his body, but sooth is
His soul still studying. He says
For me, the old-fashioned way and,
For thee, I indite with my hand
This wondrous faerie, like if
I reached the legendary glyph.
Alby… wherefor thou recitest
A lullaby, blest words, the best
Language that no mann may atteyne?
Many ran away from this peyne…
Alas! Forgive me, the vile witch,
Who amasses for free, gets rich,
Of thy mastery, my master.
Now, the poetry disaster…
Dost thou notice? By his red face
By being poetess with grace,
What befallth the beest, befalls me…
⸻A malison is released!⸻ See!
It is I⸻O thy love! True love!
It is he⸻O my love! Truelove!
Come! The olde wordes… tell them for me!
Come! Through my handwriting… kiss me!
“Yonge mayden, al my passiuon
Goulden in thy compassioun.
And speketh to thee myne hearte,
Awaketh my luve; my olde art”
Ah! Alby! How riche and prettie!
The houres fly by, wys deity,
Every tyme thou art by my sīde!
Thou art my cryme, my allied…
Quoth I: “Dragon Spirit, come now!”
Quoth he: “Devoted Witch, come now!”
“I love thee X Ic lufie þē”
Ah... This poesy… more… just more…
Ah… This filthy love… sore… no more…
Auriane Loreley has a passion for poetry. The poems she writes usually offer a (dark) story, mixed with sound effects like rhythms and iambic, making reading pure and pleasant. A poem of this kind was published in Alternate Route or Noctivagant Press. In addition, these story-telling poems are sometimes mixed with experimentation making a visual appealing, from the start of reading. This experimental work was recognized, following publication of her poems in Street Cake Magazine. Other poems of various genres are published in various magazines such as Rhodora Magazine.