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the madrigal, volume iv
Plastic Swans
by lawrence moore
Oh land of plastic swans
who snuck across the Solent as we slept,
could you release two secrets fondly kept?
Oh mirror world
whose clouds and ours collide and intertwine,
are you the place they whisper 'Please be mine'?
May your upside downs
shake logic loose, then summon in its stead
a happy rush of blood to stubborn heads.
Lawrence Moore has been writing poems - some silly, some serious - since childhood. He lives in Portsmouth, England with his husband Matt and nine mostly well behaved cats. He has poetry published at, among others, Sarasvati, Pink Plastic House, Fevers of the Mind and The Madrigal. His first collection, Aerial Sweetshop, was published by Alien Buddha Press in January. @LawrenceMooreUK
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