when bad nights unfurl to form a crosswalk into a day alive with butterflies
by hassan a. usman
all this time we were seated for our own
share of the light now it doesn’t matter
how much furrows are set in our butts
today I unthink suicide I uncork my body
into the arms of the morning sun
& fall back into a garden of lilies
I’m the chips & also the ketchup
I eat the sweetness out of myself
into myself
here it is: the delicate art of
unspooling in a birdlike motion
I love the way my body loves me
we think we’d walk into a passage
teeming with ravens & human skulls
but our legs instead gatecrash at a party
of hummingbirds today I
take the shape of a happy poem
bad nights, here, we say cheers to a remaking
into a cauldron of daisies we put behind
all the ghosts all the moments of withering
today is when your father dies
& wakes up in the body of a star
I am not afraid of tonight
I can almost feel the moonlight on my skin
all I hear are soothing birdsongs laughters of
young girls drawing dandelions around bullet holes
Hassan A. Usman, NGP II, is a black poet and a lover of cats. His works have appeared or forthcoming in Paper Lanterns, Trampset, Icefloe Press, Poetrycolumn-NND, Nymph, SprinNG, Kissing Dynamite Poetry, The Shallow Tales Review, Olumo Review, Lunaris Review, Afrocritik, Arts Lounge, Five south, and elsewhere. He’s an alumnus of the SprinNG Writing Fellowship 2022. Hassan enjoys cooking, listening to Nigerian street music, and juggles writing with modeling. Say hi to him on Twitter or Instagram @Billio_Speaks
