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Image by Arno Senoner


the madrigal, volume iv

Slant of Light

by jane spray

A slant of light upon the hill
and in your eyes the gleam of May.
Thankful then you were with me still;

and, had we known you were so ill,
more grateful yet, on your last day
for slant of light upon the hill

that evening, as we watched, until
in shock your eyes as dark pools lay
so vacant. You were not with me still.

Our garden, more than any pill
kept you alive, kept death at bay.
In slanted light upon the hill,

in all things woven, fine and filled
- not in cloud-heaven, where angels play -
I feel that you are with me still.

Let poets write, as poets will
of the bright field; of final clay.
A slant of light upon the hill.
Sometimes I feel you’re with me still.

Jane Spray lives in the Forest of Dean and sometimes also writes in her wood in Monmouthshire. She has had poems published online, and in several magazines. Poems include ones in 'Diversity' with artist Erika Tan, and haiku and haibun in 'Unravelling' (Alba Publishing, 2019). Also many
anthologies including 'Dear Dylan' (Indigo Dreams, 2021) inspired by Dylan Thomas and the forthcoming 'Walking with the Wye' anthology, speaking up for the polluted state of this river. She also works as a potter and teaches ceramics locally.

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