the madrigal, volume iii
Coming to a Standstill
by bernard pearson
On looking at my watch,
I see that I have stopped.
I am not sure precisely
When this happened?
Perhaps I over wound myself,
or was it getting wet
The other day
Outside ‘The Trianon Tea rooms’?
Did the meanest of the rain
Get into my heart?
Possibly I am not as
shock proof
As I once thought.
At any rate I must
Get myself going
Again as time is
Tripping over itself
In what light there is
and the day can ill afford
to wear me merely as an affectation.
His work appears in over sixty publications, including; Aesthetica Magazine , The Edinburgh Review, Crossways, In 2017 a selection of his poetry ‘In Free Fall’ was published by Leaf by Leaf Press. In 2019 he won second prize in The Aurora Prize for Writing for his poem Manor Farm